Tuesday 4 December 2012


As a discussed in these topics, it can be conclude that three matters in HR which is ELD, Compensation, and also OSHA is an important to the organization and must be concerned by an employer.
For ELD, it can be conclude that the change of nature in business today is toward using the e-learning system within the organization system. In that way, employees can more access their training based on their performance, skill and succession plans. Moreover, it does also can reduce the direct cost, in term employees do not have to leave their workplace to participate in certain training.
Compensation and planning can be used to hire the right people, retain the high performers, and motivate all employees to perform at high lever. Compensation can also be used to motivate poor performances out of the organization. It also can motivate them to act in the desired way.
To make sure safety and health in organization will be organized properly, employers must make sure that OSHA will implement in their organization. In this matter, top management must take the lead to achieve policy in the organization. In the same time, management and workers must cooperate to make sure a good workplace safety in order to improve the morale of the organization.


There are two types of OSHA in Human Resources. Firstly is Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is a federal agency that has been misunderstood since it was created in 1970. It does provide employees with a workplace free from hazardous conditions. The agency has developed specific workplace standards and polices businesses to make sure these standards are met. Meanwhile, Occupational Safety and Health Act explain about the law passed by Congress in 1970 to assure so far as possible safe and healthful working conditions and to preserve human resources.
There are some purposes in OSHA, which is:
ü  To secure the safety and health of employees against risks to safety or health arising out of the industrial activities.
ü  To protect all persons at the workplace against risks to safety or health arising out of the industrial activities.
ü  To promote an occupational environment for employees according to their physiological and psychological needs.
OSHA has a standard regarding everything with workplace violence. There are regulations on how to report injuries, document your safety program and on countless other topics. Many businesspeople complain about the burdens of complying with OSHA rules, but it’s actually giving more advantages in the future.
Nowadays, for a fast feedback about safety and health in the organization, many employers using an advanced technology to detect any hazards or risk that maybe can harm the community in the organization. One of the systems is called Construction Safety and Health Monitoring system (CSHM). This system was created as a detector of potential risks and hazards, and also a warning signs to areas of construction activities that require immediate corrective action. This web based CHSM also enables to remote access, speedy data collection, retrieval and documentation allows the user to monitor the project performance over a certain period.
Other than that, HR also can use sensing and warning technologies which is advance in information, sensing, visualization and analysis technologies are enabling new forms of spatial awareness of construction job site conditions.
In addition, HRIS application in OSHA also practiced in the organization in order to collect data with the most effective methods. Within using a HRIS, it can be essential for the accurate, timely record keeping and reporting that facilities the performance of OSHA. These systems generate reports and documentation required by state and federal agencies, such as the W-2 Wage and Tax Statement, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission EEO-1 Employer Detail and Summary Report, and the Department of Labor's Illness and Injury Report (OSHA 301 Report).

1.      J. Kavanagh, Thite and D. Johnson (2012), Human Resource Information System: Basics, Applications, and Future Directions. 2nd Edition.


Compensation is the methods and practices of maintaining balance between interests of operating the company within the fiscal budget and attracting, developing, retaining, and rewarding high quality staff through wages and salaries. Gary Dessler in his book Human Resource Management defines compensation in these words "Employee compensation refers to all forms of pay going to employees and arising from their employment."
Actually, worker’s compensation plan was voluntary for businesses. There are several strategies of compensation that may be affecting on the business:
Ø Improved employee morale and retention
Ø Increased employee engagement and productivity
Ø Strengthened governance and compliance with company vision and mission
Compensation divided to two categories which is fixed and variable compensation. The fixed compensation like is bonuses, pay wage, merit pay/cost of living adjustment and equity adjustments. While, the variable compensation is like individual incentives plan, group incentives plan, profit sharing plan and productivity gain sharing programs.

Within using a HRIS application in compensation and planning, it can help to centralized the database with provide small to mid-sized companies access to the technology and expertise to solve the administrative problems regarding with benefits and compensation information. Other than that, it’s also provides a system for organizations to administer and track employee participation in benefit and planning program. It’s including insurance, compensation, profit sharing and retirement.

The Basic of Compensation System

The employer that provides the compensation and planning in their organization can give more advantages whether to the company or employees. Compensation and planning can make employees more peace in mind. It’s because, when organization offering insurance to the employees, they will relieves from certain fears. As a result, the employees can work with relaxed mind. This matter also can increase confident level among the employees. As a general, every people want their effort to get acknowledgement. Employees can gain more confidence and abilities if they receive appreciate like rewards. As a result also, the employee’s performance will more increase.  
Meanwhile for the organization, it can produce low absenteeism among employees. When they enjoy with the office environment and happy with their salaries, they will be more diligent to coming work every day. Compensation also can make low turnover to the organization. It’s because, if organization offer and provide with fair awards, employees will more commitment to stay with their organization. In addition, it will contribute a job satisfaction among employees. They will happier by doing their jobs if they get rewards as a result from their services.

1.    J. Kavanagh, Thite and D. Johnson (2012), Human Resource Information System: Basics, Applications, and Future Directions. 2nd Edition.


Training is planned and systematic processes that provide opportunities for employee in organization to acquire knowledge, develop skills, and improve attitudes (KSA) that needed to perform their duties effectively for achieve organizational goals. In other words, training activities are related to learning.
v  For an example, Chocolate Company has been using new technology worker program information storage in a database. Human resource officers should be sent to the training or learning provided prior to using the program. This is important so that it can be used effectively and effectively.
Development describes training people to acquire new horizons, technologies, or viewpoints. It enables leaders to guide their organizations onto new expectations by being proactive rather than reactive. It enables workers to create better products, faster services, and more competitive organizations. It is learning for growth of the individual, but not related to a specific present or future job. Development cannot always be fully evaluated unlike a training and education.
In the era of globalization and technology at this time forcing organizations to do more processes and activities with the most effective method to compete with growing market outside. Work-based learning is one method that combined theory with practice, knowledge with experience, in order to “get smarter faster”. It uses many diverse of technologies, but customary use among them is the leaning teams, and other interpersonal experiences. Learning dialogues are care with the surfacing, in the safe of trusting peers, social, political and emotional reactions that might be blocking operating effectiveness.

Critical Elements in the Work-Based Learning Process

Through an HRIS system, training can be more effective cost and also in business and decision making process. According to Noe, (2002), training software applications have been employed to record information associated purely with training administration purposes. It can be entire the whole of training and development from the below which is training need analysis until training evaluation.
Training and development software application can show the employee that having a good or bad performance. The information is from personnel records system that provides organizations with access to information about the skills, education, qualification, and such on. Through that information, the management will know and choose the right person to the right training at the right time.

The Systems Model of Training and Development

1. J. Kavanagh, Thite and D. Johnson (2012), Human Resource Information System: Basics, Application and Future Directions. 2nd Edition.
2. Joseph A. Raelin (2008), Work-Based Learning, New and Revised Edition.