Tuesday 23 October 2012


Components of HRIS

Human Resource Information System (HRIS) is a system that was applied or used by most organizations. This is because the system can facilitate the activities of the organization and increase productivity by minimizing the costs. It can also help management and employees to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of business processes for an organization.
As explained in topic 1, 2 and 3, it can reflect that by using HRIS system, these activities are much easier to manage. Each process can be faster and more efficient in identifying quality candidates. It can also help workers to do career development when they know the extent of their performance in the organization. In addition, employees can access an opportunity to update and select the course of training to suit their needs.
For the conclusion, it can be said that if company an implement the HRIS with full of knowledge and strategy, it may help the company success and sustain in the market to compete each other.


Example of Employee Self-Service (ESS)

Employee Self Service (ESS) is a combination of technology and organizational change that enables users to interact directly with their human resource data to inquire, review and act upon transactions in the workplace (Anheier, SPHR, and Doherty: 2000). It’s also called as employee self service, manager self service, or employee direct-access systems.
Web based employee self-service is a win-win situations for both party, which is an organizations and also employees. For an organization, they can use the information from performance reviews and make a follow-up action to improve their quality. By using this system, it also can make the process of identify high quality candidates faster than usually. Directly, it also makes it more to be able to get a talent candidate before others competitor. For employee personally, an employee has a chance to view and update their information, can view and print pay slips and also access leave information or to apply for training course. This system also offer employee to access important information, helping to attract and retain the quality employees and build more effective communication in organization.
Based on The Hunter Group 2000 Human Resources Self Service Survey, they are applications for manager, employee, and strategic self service:
Self-Service Application

There are several advantages or benefits when organization using the Employee Self-Services System (ESS), in order to make employee more satisfaction and can improve productivity in their work. 

1. The Hunter Group 2000 Human Resources Self Service Study


Employee Performance Management Systems is a means to ensure that every employees works in a manner which is aligned with organizational goals and which ensures that the employee reaches the maximum potential on the job. According to S. Denisi and W. Griffin (2008), performance management refers to more general set of activities carried out by the organization to change or improve employee performance.
Performance management process consists of three parts:
Process of Performance Management

At the beginning of this process, the workers and management will cooperate about the development of performance standards. The top management will develop a performance planning related with employee's efforts toward achieving specific results, in order to support organizational and employee growth. it's involved the goal and objectives, and providing a framework to ensure employees can achieve good results.
Once performance objectives and standards are established, a manager or supervisor should observe employee's performance and provide feedback to them. Manager or supervisor need to identify and reinforce strong performance by an employee. They also need recognize and encourage improvement that workers needed. It can provide informal feedback every day. Through an observing and providing feedback, manager or supervisor can play role in the employee's success and motivation to meet performance expectation and make a career development.
Employee performance management linked with employee productivity and organizational productivity. Performance management process should be provided with regular and systematically implemented. But performance evaluation is one of the steps in the performance management process. It is one of the most important things. Organizational need to provide self-learning materials and information to employees to make sure they know their position in the organization.
There is several importance of performance management in the organization:

The Importance of Performance Management

1. J.Kavanagh, Thite and D. Johnson (2012), Human Resource Information System: Basics,  
Applications and Future Direction. 2nd Edition.
2. Ricky W. Griffin (2010). Management. Cengage Learning: Business & Economics.
3. Angelo S. Deninsi and Ricky W. Griffin (2008). Human Resource Management. Houghton Mifflin 


Recruitment is a process of acquiring, placing and will encourage potential employees to fill existing vacancies or positions within an organization. Based on Cascio (2006), the goal of recruitment function is to identify, attract and hire the most qualified people.
Hiring process usually involves advertising vacancies is through the print media, such as advertising in newspapers, flyers, or recommend them from friends at work. If there are candidates who are interested, they will send a resume to the organization by mail or fax. Human Resource Management organization will strain and review resumes selecting qualified candidates to the next process of the interview. Recruitment process like this is more of a traditional way takes a long time and high cost because of the problems faced by both sides.
Staff is candidates who have been employed in an organization. After they passed the interview and employed, indirectly they become assets of the organization. This is because the candidates are qualified candidates and potential to contribute new ideas to compete with other organizations. Each person has their own ability, so, organizations need to identify each employee and give them the opportunity to improve their ability like sending them to training related to their work and make talent management for the existing staff. Staffing department has responsibility to deciding on the right training at the right time and to the right person.
In the era of globalization and technology at present forcing organizations to do the recruitment process through the online system to facilitate the work and compete with other organization. Online recruitment methods involve the use of computer and internet. Through this, the organization will display the advertisement in website or network organizations. Candidates who are interested only need to fill in and send a resume online via email. The management of the organization will be easier and faster for screening the resumes, the resume. Indirectly, the organization will be able to reduce cost and time in doing the process of selecting candidates. In addition, organizations can reduce the cost of job advertisements through the print media as well as reduce the workload of the department of human resources in this process. (Raymond A.Noe, 2000).

1. Raymond A.Noe (2000), Human Resources Management, Publishing New York McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
2. J. Kavanagh, Thite and D. Johnson (2012), Human Resource Information System: Basics, Applications, And Future Directions. 2nd edition.


Fly to S.E.O.U.L
Hello. Annyeong-haseyo. My name is Asma Asmida bt Mohd Ali. I was born on 20th February 1989 at Hospital Besar Melaka. However, my hometown is at Muar, Johor. People use to call me Asma, and As. My father’s is a Prison Officer at Penjara Kluang. My mother was just a fulltime housewife. I have four siblings and I’m a second in my family.

I’m graduated in Diploma Technology Management at UTM KL. After that, I continued my study at UTM JB in Human Resource Development. Now, I’m at last semester before graduate. Before that, I need make a blog in Human Resource Information System (HRIS) as one of a condition in this subject. I did not have any experience about blog but for this subject, I will try my best in order to present to my HRIS lecture’s Dr Nur Naha binti Abu Mansor.

My friends is DAEBAK!!!^^