Tuesday 23 October 2012


Example of Employee Self-Service (ESS)

Employee Self Service (ESS) is a combination of technology and organizational change that enables users to interact directly with their human resource data to inquire, review and act upon transactions in the workplace (Anheier, SPHR, and Doherty: 2000). It’s also called as employee self service, manager self service, or employee direct-access systems.
Web based employee self-service is a win-win situations for both party, which is an organizations and also employees. For an organization, they can use the information from performance reviews and make a follow-up action to improve their quality. By using this system, it also can make the process of identify high quality candidates faster than usually. Directly, it also makes it more to be able to get a talent candidate before others competitor. For employee personally, an employee has a chance to view and update their information, can view and print pay slips and also access leave information or to apply for training course. This system also offer employee to access important information, helping to attract and retain the quality employees and build more effective communication in organization.
Based on The Hunter Group 2000 Human Resources Self Service Survey, they are applications for manager, employee, and strategic self service:
Self-Service Application

There are several advantages or benefits when organization using the Employee Self-Services System (ESS), in order to make employee more satisfaction and can improve productivity in their work. 

1. The Hunter Group 2000 Human Resources Self Service Study

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